Important Information About your appointment
Missed Appointment Policy:
The policy also states that a client will be discharged if there are two (2) consecutive missed psychiatric appointments or three (3), consecutive missed appointments with their therapist, whichever occurs first. If you foresee a scheduling conflict please speak with your front desk staff/therapist so we may work with you.
Telehealth Etiquette:
Cognitive Behavioral Services Inc. places the people we serve at the center of everything we do. The safety and wellbeing of our clients and staff is our foremost concern. Telehealth counseling sessions are just as important as in person sessions. The value of making sure the experience is professional online is more challenging, but very important for therapeutic results. Here are some etiquette tips to make the most of your telehealth experience.
- The client must be present.
- Whether child or adult, if the client is not present the appointment will be cancelled.
- Find the best location possible.
- Therapists have guidelines for confidentiality, privacy and setting locations on their end; clients are encouraged to do the same.
- Be in a safe location. Do not drive or do anything that may endanger your life and take the focus away from your therapy time. If you are driving, the appointment will be re-scheduled.
- If the client is a child the child must be present for therapy.
- If using a phone for a session, again, try to sit still. Walking around can make the other viewer distracted and even nauseous.
- Try to protect your privacy.
- In order to maintain confidentiality, inform your family members that you are in an important meeting and need to not be disturbed.
- Parents of youth receiving services are asked to respect the ability for the youth to receive these services without others overhearing.
- Use a headset so that at least half of the conversation cannot be overheard.
- Limit your distractions.
- Turn off notifications on the device you are using and remove other devices from your vicinity.
- Other noise and visual distractions should be limited as much as possible (pets, children, potential interruptions).
- Dress for the public.
- Clients are encouraged to dress comfortably, but in normal public attire.
- Reconnect, if the connection is lost.
- At the beginning of your session, be sure to confirm with your therapist how you will reconnect if your session is interrupted.
- If you are unable to connect with Zoom, let the medical assistant know. We can accommodate calls or have you come into the office.
We want to ensure that even though we are apart you are still able to get the most out of your time with the therapist or psychiatrist. I
Client’s rights
- Each client has the right to quality treatment and may include one or more of the following. (Cada cliente tiene el derecho a tratamiento de calidad y puede incluir uno o más de los siguientes).
- Outpatient Psychotherapy: individual, group, or family. (Psicoterapia ambulatoria: individual de grupo o de familia).
- Psychiatric Evaluation (Evaluación psiquiátrica).
- Psychiatric Medication Management (Manejo de medicamentos psiquiátricos).
- Assessment (Evaluación).
- Services will be provided by an appropriately trained mental health professional. (Los servicios serán proveídos por un profesional apropiado de salud mental).
- The client has a right to confidentiality. Information cannot be released or received without written permission of the client. / El cliente tiene derecho a la confidencialidad. La información no puede ser dada o recibida sin un permiso escrito del cliente.
- The client has the right to informed consent. The client has the right to full knowledge of the parameters of any research study or medical procedure. / El cliente tiene el derecho a consentimiento informado. Tiene derecho al conocimiento complete de los parámetros de cualquier investigación o procedimiento médico.
- A client has the right to review his/her record under conditions prescribed in the agency’s Confidentiality Policy. / El cliente tiene derecho a revisar su record bajo las condiciones prescritas en la Política de Confidencialidad de la agencia.
- A client has a right to register complaints about the services s/he is receiving according to the Grievance Procedure. / El cliente tiene derecho a registrar quejas sobre los servicios que está recibiendo de acuerdo al Procedimiento de Quejas.
- If the client perceives that s/he has been discriminated against due to race, sex, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or health status while receiving treatment, the client can pursue a grievance through the appropriate channels as outlined in “Problem Resolution Procedure”, given to each client at Intake and posted in the unit. / Si el/la cliente percibe que ha sido discriminado/a por su raza, sexo, edad, origen étnico, creencias religiosas, orientación sexual o estado de salud, mientras recibe tratamiento, el cliente puede proceder con una queja a través de los canales apropiados señalados en Procedimiento de resolución de Problemas.
Client’s responsibilities
- While receiving services, a client is expected to be responsible to the treatment. Is expected to: (Mientras recibe tratamiento el cliente debe ser responsable al tratamiento, se espera que:)
- Comply to the scheduled office based appointments, as well as treatment plans and behavioral contracts developed with the informed consent of the client. / Cumplir con las citas a la oficina, así como con el plan de tratamiento y contratos conductuales desarrollados con el consentimiento informado del cliente.
- Call the office in advance of missed appointments at least 48 hours in advance. Repeated missed appointments, for non-medical reasons, may result in termination of treatment. /Llamar con anticipación cuando va a faltar a una cita con 48 horas de avance. Citas perdidas repetidamente, por razones no médicas, puede resultar en terminación del tratamiento.
- Maintain abstinence from drug and alcohol abuse. / Mantener la abstinencia de drogas y abuso de alcohol.
- While on the premises, maintain appropriate behavior. /Mientras está en el edificio, debe mantener una conducta apropiada.
Your Health
CBS believes in treating the individual as a whole, healthy body and healthy mind. Here are some resources to help you on your wellness journey.
Smoking Cessation
Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general. Quitting smoking lowers your risk for smoking-related diseases and can add years to your life. Recovery is a lifelong process, reach out to your therapist for more information and to incorporate smoking cessation as part of your recovery plan.
PA has many free resources to help you quit!
All of the resources listed below are free. If you have health insurance through Medicaid, you may get nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, or other medications to help you quit for as little as $1 a month.
If you have private insurance or Medicare, call your insurance company for more information
Under the Affordable Care Act, many insurance plans should cover smoking cessation services, including counseling and medications.
For more information, call the member services number on your insurance card.
PA Free Quitline
PA Free Quitline can help you with each step of the way. Free, Convenient, Safe & Secure.
1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)
1-855-DEJELO-YA (335-3569)
PA.Quitlogix.org to enroll online and learn more about Quitline services!
Nicotine Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous – a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives.
Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids.
1-877-TRY-NICA (1-877-879-6422)
Support Family member
People who feel supported are more likely to quit smoking for good. Click here for tips to help you support the person in your life who is ready to quit smoking.
visit http://smokefreephilly.org/ for information and resources
Addiction Recovery Help
Addiction is a life long struggle but you don’t have to face it alone.
DBHIDS Addiction Service
the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services aims to provide support for those struggling with addiction. If you do not have medical insurance contact the Behavioral Health Special Initiative (BHSI) at 215-546-1200, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
If you want treatment for a substance abuse challenge and do have medical assistance or Medicaid, please contact Community Behavioral Health (CBH) at 888-545-2600.
Greater Philadelphia Region of Narcotics Anonymous
NA has been offering recovery support for many years. For more information reach out to NA at 215-NA-Works or visit their website to find a meeting near you at https://naworks.org/find-a-meeting/
Family Support
Nar-Anon Family Groups offers a 12 step program for family and friends of addicts. For more information click the link below:
Learn to recognize the signs of opioid overdose and how you can help your loved ones that are struggling with addiction. Sign up for bystander Narcan training at getnaloxonenow, just click the link below:
What’s naloxone? An opioid overdose occurs when someone takes more of an opioid than their body can handle, and their breathing slows until it stops. Naloxone is a prescription medicine that reverses opioid overdoses. It temporarily blocks the effect of opioids and helps a person to start breathing again.
As of March 29th, 2023, naloxone nasal spray (Narcan) has been approved for sale over-the-counter.
Naloxone is still available for no cost at the Naloxone Tower in front of the Lucien E. Blackwell Library in West Philadelphia, by mail from NEXT Distro, and through community organizations. Forr more information on how to access naloxone in your community visit Learn how to get and use naloxone (Narcan®) | Services | City of Philadelphia.

HealthyMindsPhilly.org is an online tool and resource designed to support and improve the mental health and well-being of all Philadelphians, regardless of zip code, insurance or income status. Visit for tools and resources in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Mental Health Support and Resources (healthymindsphilly.org)
Take a quick mental health screening quiz and bring the results to your next appointment!
Resume Help
Resumebuilder.com has tips to help you develop your resume and help you succeed in your job search. We are happy to partner with resumebuilder.com to share their comprehensive guide titled “Employment Guide for People in Substance Abuse Recovery“.
Get the support you need to succeed in your recovery journey!
988 Suicide & Crisis lifeline
Whatever time: Day. Night. Weekend.
Whatever the reason: Mental health distress. Substance use crisis.
Thoughts of suicide.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here for you.
Text 988 | Call 988 | Chat 988lifeline.org